miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


At the top left                                                                                                                      At the top right

hand corner                                                                                                                               hand corner
                                                                            X  At the top
                                                                      X  In the background                     

X On the left                                                         XIn the centre                                     X On the right

In the foreground                            

                                                                         At the bottom 



At the bottom                                                                                                                       At the bottom
Left-hand corner                                                                                                             right-hand corner

Expressions in English to describe pictures:

In picture A/B,   I can see…….
In picture A/B,   there is/are….
In the picture,  I can see….. / there is/are….
In the centre,   there is/are …..
On the right/left, there is/are…
At the top, I can see…..  / There is/are….
At the bottom, …….   /   
In the foreground    (parte central delantera  ó a primera vista abajo en la foto),  There is/are….
In the background  ( fondo o paisaje, arriba en el centro),,  I  can see….
At the top left/right –hand corner,  there is/are   (esquina o parte superior izquierda/derecha ),   I can see…
At the bottom left/right-hand corner,  (esquina o parte inferior izquierda/derecha), there is/are…

About people in the pictures:
·         Where you can see them in the picture
·         Talk about there age:   The man/woman/boy/girl  is about 10,12,40 years old
                                                       I think He/She is  in her 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, …..
·         If they are sitting or standing
·         Their job/profession:  He is a policeman/fireman/actor-actress/teacher/pupils/doctor...  and what they are doing in the picture
·         Physical description:  He/She is tall/short/slim/fat/well-built…
·         He/She has got long/short hair / straight/curly hair / brown hair/ Blond hair/  He/She is bald (calvo)  … /  He’s got a beard/moustache  
·         Clothes:  He/She is wearing  warm clothes / sport clothes/ He is wearing a suit / She is wearing a smart dress / He has a red/green jumper/coat, yellow/blue socks/shoes….

About Objects/Things:

·         What it is and what you can use it for:  a musical instrument, a TV, a sharpener, eraser, rubber, a spoon, a knife….
·         Where it is  in the picture:  at the top, at the bottom, on the left/right…..
·         Size:  big, small, long, narrow, wide
·         Colour:  red, green, blue, …
·         Opinion:  awful, nice, pretty, cool,….
·         Is someone in  the picture taking, catching or using it?.... Is it in someone’s right or left hand?...

About the picture itself:
·         Say who think took the picture and why if posible
·         Where the picture is from, country, city,  town, village… 
·         Was the picture taken in the morning/afternoon/night?
·         What kind of place is it? … Monument, famous street, avenue, Museum, school, library, a house, what kind of house,….. 

Say as much as you can about the picture itself, from the concrete and particular that you find in the picture and relate it to your personal life. For example, if it is a picture of Paris, London or any place, say if you have already been there and if not, if you would like to go there, why or why not.

Remember  too, once you have described the picture and all its elements, things, people,  tell how the picture is connected to your personal life and experience. This is very important!!!

When we are describing people or things in English, if we are not fully sure about something regarding the person or object that we are talking about, it is always better to add probability to what you say about that person/object. Example:
DON’T   SAY:   The man on the left is 35 years old (you don’t know this by just looking at him in the picture unless you know the person of course because it is a relative of yours)

SAY THIS:  I think the man on the left is about/around 35 years old     or
                   Probably he/she is  on his/her 20’s, 30’s…

This is very important to bear on mind because you can not say something is this or that when you are not completely sure. Remember, add probability or say it is what you think about the person or object and why you think so. 

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