martes, 3 de mayo de 2016


                       Title: it must be catchy; it can indicate if the review will be positive
                              or negative. You can play with words to make it funny or different.

PARAGRAPH 1 – Opening paragraph

You must mention:
*     Name and type of the film
*     The setting: The story takes place in…
*     Summarize the film: what is the film about?
§  Do not give details or tell the ending

Useful phrases and vocabulary:
Ø  this movie has been compared to ____ because
Ø  it has unexpected plot twists
Ø  it is a mixture of
Ø  it is a good / poor imitation of
Ø  the director creates a moving / chilling / romantic / atmosphere

PARAGRAPH 2 – Characterization

You must talk about:
*     The characters: did you like them? Did the actors play them well?
     What was it about their portrayal that you liked or didn’t like?
*     The dialogue: did you think it was silly / clever / cliché?
*     The music: did you think it was moving / captivating / appropriate?
*     The best /worst scene in which these characters were involved

Useful phrases and vocabulary:
Ø  Not very                       hilarious
Ø  Quite                           captivating
Ø  Very                            irresistible / breathtaking
Ø  A bit                            unbelievable / credible
Ø  Really                          fantastic / amazing / wonderful
Ø  Incredibly                    brilliant
Ø  Rather                         silly / clever / cliché / unoriginal
Ø  Absolutely                    funny
Ø  Extremely                    typical
Ø  Unnecessarily              disappointing / unsuccessful / confusing
Ø  Excessively                  violent

Ø  spectacular visual effects                            
Ø  absolutely perfect / boring moments                        
Ø  He / she gave a very moving / poor portrayal of…
Ø  I was impressed by…
Ø  He/she played his/her role poorly / professionally

PARAGRAPH 3 – Final comments

General comments that summarize your view of the film. You may:
*     Say something inspiring to get the reader to want to go out and see the film.
*     Or say something that would want them not to go and see it!
*     Give it a star rating out of 5 to indicate your rating for it.

Useful tips:

Use PRESENT TENSES when you describe a scene or summarize the plot.

Use PAST TENSES when you express your opinion about the film and actors.